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In unseren Studienmodulen legen wir großen Wert auf einen hohen Praxisbezug. Um diesem Anspruch gerecht zu werden, organisieren wir in jedem Semester Aktivitäten für die Studierende mit unseren Industriepartnern und adressieren aktuelle Themen:

  • Analysis von Blockchain-Einsatz für Präqualifizierungsverfahren mit TransnetBW (Sommer Semester 2020)
  • Workshop „Blockchain prototyping in the energy system“ mit Teilnahme von Stadwerken Tübingen, EnWB, Pfalzwerke, AVAT, TransnetBW und Oli Systems (Winter Semester 2019/2020)
  • Hackathon 2019 in Kooperation mit Bosch (Sommer Semester 2019)

Digital Supply Chain Management (engl.)

Faculty: ESB Business School
Contact: Prof. Dr.techn. Daniel Palm


Within this lecture, students learn the impact of Digitalizition on Supply Chains – from Business Models to Technologies. The aim of the lecture is to identify and assess the potential for increasing the competitiveness of companies in supply chain networks, an essential building block of global business systems, and to be able to plan and control related processes.

In a 4 hour Blockchain Workshop, students learn how mechanisms of Blockchain Technology work and discuss the possibilities and potentials in Supply Chains.

Dezentrale Energiemärkte
Distributed economy (engl.)

Faculty: School of Engineering
Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Coll-Mayor

Whitin this lecture, the students will learn basics on distributed ledger technologies with main focus on blockchain. Furthermore, different use cases for the energy sector will be presented and analysed, with focus on the coupling between business and system use cases. The students will also be able to map those use cases on standard architecture models. The lecture will also provide the framework to analyse standardisation and regulatory barriers for those technologies.

To the module guide

Verteilte Regelung in Energienetzen
Distributed control in power grids (engl.)

Faculty: School of Engineering
Contact: Prof. Dr.- Ing. A. Notholt and Prof. Dr.- Ing. D. Coll-Mayor

In this lecture the students will learn about control strategies for microgrids and basic functionalities of agent-based control. Together with DLT basics and their application in control processes for M2M communication. Furthermore, the students will implement this knowledge in the development of system architectures based on the distributed control strategies.

To the module guide